It’s me, Linnea :)

If you are looking for motivation & inspiration in Lung Cancer then allow me to introduce with you, one & only “Linnea Olson”!!

life and breath: outliving lung cancer

Last night I drank half a bottle of wine and ate half a pint of ice cream for dinner. Had you been here, I would have offered you the other half(s). My sugar and grapes meal was a celebration, as yesterday I learned that my scans are still stable.

This felt like a big deal because the previous scan of my lungs had been flagged for possible progression. That was three months ago and I didn’t get anxious until the day before yesterday, when that old familiar feeling of dread hit me like a ton of bricks.

Back in the day I might have bounced this anxiety off of my spouse, but I am now more than four years into traveling solo. Although I am one tough mother, (and have a t-shirt that says as much) some days just being strong doesn’t quite cut it. Fortunately I have learned how…

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Lung Cancer Advocacy in India – National Coordinator for ALK Positive International Group

To continue with our ongoing efforts for Lung Cancer patients in India, Vivek has took the role & responsibility of National Coordinator of India for ALK Positive group which is an international group of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) patients and caregivers afflicted with the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) gene mutation/rearrangement.

It is great responsibility & lots of work to do for ALK positive Lung Cancer patients in India.

If you come to know about any Lung Cancer patient in India with ALK positive mutation, then either:


ALK national coordinator

As Speaker at Novartis – Lung Cancer and Clinical Research Advocacy


Kusum & I got wonderful advocacy opportunity as got honour to be invited as speaker at Novartis.

It was amazing to be there and to represent Cancer Patients & their needs, with thousands of Scientists & Global senior Leadership at Novartis.

Great experience…..Hope our story & discussions would have encouraged the Researchers to do more research for Lung Cancer patients globally & bring more Clinical Trials to India.

#WorldCancerDay 4th Feb