International Clinical Trials Day

On 20th May 2020, last week, it was “International ClinicalTrials Day”. As our Kusum aka Vibha was passionate Patient Advocate for Clinical Trials and Research, every year, this day, Kusum and I used to be very busy with awareness programs, interviews, conferences, meetings and so on.

But this year was different, very different as she was not with us physically. Since morning, I was thinking of her and all those action pack days…..However when I open the social media, I was so plesantly surpsied to see hundreds of message (including on twitter, linkedin, whatsapp) from every stream i.e. be it industry, patients, clinicians, remembring Kusum and thanking her on Clinical trials day for her contribution 🙂

Thanks so much everyone who post & send those messages and remembered Kusum on this special day 🙏
Thanks Kusum
I also would like to wholeheatedly thanks Clinical Trial Patients, Researchers, Clinicians, Patient Advocates and everyone who got directly or indirectly involved in clinical research and to bring all those latest life saving today where whole world is waiting for Covid19 treatment.

I wish for better focus & access of Clinical Trials in India & globally, to ensure latest treatmet timely avaiable for Cancer patients.

Kusum & my dear friend Linnea stories to vouch that #Clinical Trials & #Research Saves Lives!!

Clinical Trials - Ray of Hope