Kusum’s 6th Cancerversary at Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Brain

Finally, the most awaited day of year came..our brave girl Kusum Malik Tomar has achieved the milestone of 6th Cancerversary ✌️✌️(6 year of survival since diagnosis at Stage 4 with her rare type of ALK Lung cancer metastatic to Brain ….if I include wrong diagnosis & treatment, it is 7 years).

6 months given to live to achieve 6 year milestone…wow, a journey which we were never thought to achieve this long 

It could not have been possible without soulful wishes of family and friends….our heartfelt thanks to each one of you 🙏

Kusum Malik Tomar – I am so lucky that you are my love – a girl who never loose #Hope and keep fighting with this dreadful disease, death and pain with tremendous #Courage 

#Cancerversary #Celebrations #LosingIsNotAnOption #RiseToSurviveCancer


Yipeeeee :-),


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